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UKids - Child Care Programs Advocacy Council for Student-Parent Child Care ASCC

Advocacy Council for Student-Parent Child Care


UKids - Child Care Programs is proud to host a monthly advocacy board during Spring and Fall semesters.  As UKids - Presidents Circle was developed by students for students, we value the input and opinions that our student parents have to offer.  The committee also includes valued partners that support our program including  representatives from the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU), the office of then Dean of Students, the Student Parent Support Center, the Women's Resource Center, and the Office of Risk Management.  

Parents receive free child care during meetings and a $10 credit to their account for attending.  Recipients of the CCAMPIS subsidy or Middle-Income subsidy can attend meetings for 1 hour of volunteer time.

Committee Goals

  • Assess student child care needs and set monthly and semester activity goals
  • Develop a non-profit financial plan with oversight and reporting guidelines
  • Clarify program services and administrative guidelines between ASUU, Ukids - Child Care Programs and the Student Parent Support Center
  • Define opportunities for teacher training, internships and research that would benefit the University
  • Identify the philosophical framework that will guide the development of the classroom environment, curriculum program and assessment tools
  • Development of a proposal to use for the solicitation of program partnerships and endowment funding


Fall 2021 Semester:


October 22; 3-4 pm Via Zoom

November 19; 3-4 pm Location TBD



credit infographic


Last Updated: 6/8/24